Laser treatment of varicose veins

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Laser treatment of varicose veins as the most effective method in Kyiv.

Laser treatment of varicose veins is a popular and safe procedure for non-surgical vein treatment.


  1. Indications.
  2. Varicose veins on the legs. What is it?
  3. How do spider veins and tubercles appear on the veins?
  4. Preparation for the treatment of leg vessels.
  5. Treatment of varicose veins.
  6. Correction of varicose veins with a laser.
  7. Duration of the procedure.
  8. Result.
  9. Laser or surgery?
  10. Rehabilitation.
  11. Contraindications.

The specifics of work often have a significant impact on our health. A sedentary lifestyle, just like working on your feet, puts increased pressure on your legs.

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As a result, more and more ugly bumps, vascular networks and seals appear on the surface of the skin. Such imperfections add to self-doubt, and make it impossible for women to wear short clothes.

At the moment, the world of cosmetology is replete with all kinds of remedies for varicose veins. However, most drugs either have no effect at all or have a short-term effect.

How to remove veins and spider veins with a laser?

We recommend you to entrust the treatment of varicose veins with a laser to an experienced professional. Coollaser Clinic guarantees amazing results from every procedure!


  • Dark spots
  • Spider veins on the legs
  • Bumps on the veins
  • Thrombosis
  • Thrombophlebitis
  • Varicose veins

Varicose veins on the legs. What is it?

Varicose expansion of the lower extremities is a vein pathology, with increase diameter of the vessel and the formation of tubercles (nodes). Veins are blood vessels that usually carry venous blood to the heart. Veins are part of the cardiovascular system. That’s why timely treatment of varicose veins is so important.

Each person needs to monitor the state of blood vessels and regularly undergo preventive examinations. If during the examination doctor diagnoses varicose veins on the legs, you should immediately contact to phlebologist.

How do spider veins and tubercles appear?

  • Vascular pathology
  • Genetics
  • Pregnancy and childbirth
  • Weight gain
  • Specificity of work
  • Increased pressure
  • Thick blood at reduced pressure

Preparation for the procedure.

Treatment of leg vessels with a laser requires careful preparation of the patient. At the consultation, the specialist appoints the necessary list of examinations. This is necessary to minimize any risks.

The survey usually includes:

  • Complete blood count
  • Blood glucose level
  • Prothrombin index
  • Rh factor
  • Blood clotting

Treatment of varicose veins.

Correction of varicose veins necessarily begins with a consultation with a phlebologist. An experienced doctor diagnoses the degree of varicose veins of the lower extremities and the method of treatment.

The leader in the quality of performance and effectiveness is the treatment of varicose veins with a laser or laser coagulation of veins.

Electrocoagulation: correction of varicose veins.

Electrocoagulation – removal of varicose veins with a laser gives the maximum result from the procedure. The essence of laser surgery is to use the heat energy generated by the laser.

After the specialist treats the area of the skin with local anesthesia, a marking is applied and an electrode is implanted inside the vein.

Step 1. The laser beam interacts with the affected vessel, which has broken valves. The normalization of the vein leads to the restoration of normal blood flow. The thermal energy of the laser easily coagulates the affected vein.

Step 2. The big vessels are being processed. Treatment of varicose veins with a laser is absolutely safe, thanks to the action of a light beam. The laser beam seals small capillaries and varicose veins.

Step 3. On the second day after the treatment of varicose veins with a laser, duplex scanning is performed to confirm the result.

Duration of laser treatment of blood vessels.

The procedure for treating varicose veins with a laser or laser coagulation of veins lasts an average of 60 minutes. The duration depends on the individual characteristics and the amount of work.

Results of laser surgery.

  • Removal of spider veins
  • Varicose vein treatment
  • Correction of aesthetic appearance

Laser or surgery?

When it comes to the treatment of leg vessels, a natural question arises. Which is better, laser treatment of varicose veins or surgery?

The answer will depend on your individual situation. However, it is the laser treatment of varicose veins that is the most effective and atraumatic way.

Minimal risks of complications, since skin incisions are not used.

Laser treatment of blood vessels involves the use of only local anesthesia.

The rehabilitation period is about 5-7 days and doesn’t require a hospital stay.

No scars due to microscopic puncture.

Accelerated tissue healing.

хирургическое удаление крупных вен на ногах
Laser removal of large veins in the legs


Please note that sensitivity or soreness in the area of the micro-puncture is absolutely normal.

Already after 1-2 hours, you can return to the usual rhythm of life, following the recommendations.

Please, avoide bad habits, as they affect to the blood pressure.

Taking long daily walks can help oxygenate your blood and speed up the healing process.

Compression garments are required.

Wearing only comfortable shoes, if possible, for a while, give up heels to remove unnecessary stress.


  • Large vessels
  • Weak veins
  • Predisposition to blood clots
  • Inflammatory diseases in the selected area of the skin
  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Oncology
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Bleeding
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Хирург высшей категории, доктор-УЗД Пятничка Олег Зиновьевич.
Surgeon of the highest category, doctor of ultrasound diagnostics Oleg Pyatnichka.

Varicose veins of the lower extremities are an ailment that must be dealt with. The more experienced is phlebologist and the better is the equipment, the better is result of the procedure.

Coollaser Clinic in the center of Kyiv on Pechersk cooperates only with the best specialists in Ukraine.

Laser treatment of varicose veins is the best balance of safety and results!

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Make an appointment for a consultation

We recommend that you consult with our doctor before making an appointment for the procedure