Upper and lower eyelid surgery in Kyiv
Blepharoplasty is an effective and reliable way to give your eyes an open, youthful look without folds and wrinkles. From a young age, we try with all our might to prolong the beauty of our face and eyelids.
Facial expressions and genetics are two of the most influencing factors on the eyelids. The skin in the eye area is very delicate and imperfections appear by the age of 25-30.
Sagging eyelid? Can’t hide the bags under your eyes with makeup? At Coollaser Clinic, surgeons will find the ideal blepharoplasty method to preserve your beauty and youth for a long time.
- Indications for blepharoplasty
- What is eyelid blepharoplasty?
- What are the types of blepharoplasty?
- How is surgical blepharoplasty done?
- Possible complications after plastic surgery of the upper and lower eyelids
- Upper blepharoplasty
- Lower blepharoplasty
- What are the contraindications for blepharoplasty?
Indications for blepharoplasty:
- Sagging eyelid
- Bags under the eyes
- Excess skin
- Flabbiness
- Pronounced wrinkles
- Asymmetry of the eyes
- Injuries
- History of unsuccessful plastic surgery
What is eyelid blepharoplasty?
Eyelid blepharoplasty surgery is a plastic surgery of the upper and lower eyelids. The condition of the eye skin depends on many factors: genetic predisposition, ecology, nutrition, daily care and facial expressions.
In Europe and Asia, blepharoplasty is an extremely popular eyelid lift procedure. They begin to resort to it already at a young age to correct the shape of the eyes. Most of the movie stars have resorted to plastic surgery of the upper and lower eyelids.

What are the types of blepharoplasty?
In plastic surgery, there are 3 types of blepharoplasty surgery. What type of eyelid surgery is right for you is decided only by a doctor in personal consultation. Also, only a specialist can determine the way in which blepharoplasty will be performed.
- Plastic surgery of the upper eyelids. In this operation, only the upper eyelid is corrected or changed.
- Plastic surgery of the lower eyelids. Lower blepharoplasty involves only changes to the lower eyelid.
- Circular blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids. This type of operation is used when an integrated approach to solving a problem is required. Both upper and lower blepharoplasty are performed simultaneously.
Plastic surgery of the upper and lower eyelids can be performed in two ways: surgical and non-surgical.
- Surgical blepharoplasty

Compared to other methods, it has the longest term of effectiveness. During the operation, you can correct both ptosis and wrinkles, correct the shape of the eyes.
- Non-surgical blepharoplasty
No less effective, but safer way to correct the eyelids. Non-surgical blepharoplasty is often used when the changes are not very pronounced.
What are the types of non-surgical eyelid blepharoplasty?
- Plasmajet
For the procedure of non-surgical blepharoplasty, Fibroblasting is used. Nitrogen-plasma technology of delicate point effect on the thinnest tissues of the upper and lower eyelids. Activation of the action of fibroblasts and the production of collagen type III.
- Injection blepharoplasty
For the correction of small mimic wrinkles, ВОТОХ-based preparations are used, as well as fillers. The filler is filled from the inside with wrinkles, smoothing the skin.
- Mesotherapy
Dozens of small needles penetrate the middle layers of the epidermis, delivering vitamin cocktails and cosmetic preparations to the skin cells. A huge plus is the lack of a rehabilitation period.
- Laser blepharoplasty
The laser beam polishes the top layer of dead cells. In the future, this will allow the skin to regenerate more efficiently, which means less wrinkles will also be reduced.

Who is blepharoplasty indicated for?
Upper and lower eyelid plastic surgery is suitable for all patients who have no contraindications to the procedure or surgery. Basically, blepharoplasty is indicated for those who have significant eyelid changes:
- Loose skin
- Folds
- Ptosis
- Loose eyelid
- Loose eyebrows
- Wrinkles
- Tired look
- Bags and hernias under the eyes
How does blepharoplasty work?
When it comes to plastic surgery, everything is pretty simple. The surgeon determines where the ideal incision or puncture site is. Together with the patient, the doctor marks the most problematic areas with a special medical marker.
It is marking that will help the specialist during the operation to make the patient’s eyelids harmonious and desirable.
Anesthesia: General anesthesia only
When it comes to non-surgical blepharoplasty, it all depends on the specific method. All methods are similar in one thing: using plasma, ultrasound or laser, skin cells are affected.
Anesthesia: local in the form of an anesthetic cream or gel, in some cases not required
As a result of this impact, the processes of regeneration and restoration are activated. Intensive synthesis of collagen and elastin is restored, and cells begin to self-renew. As a result, you will get a more fit, uncomplicated crumpled and fresh skin of the eyelids.
How is surgical blepharoplasty done?
Eyelid plastic surgery is a very painstaking, delicate work that requires high professionalism and experience.
- Before any plastic surgery, an anamnesis of the patient is carried out, identification of his diseases, individual characteristics.
- A blood test is mandatory
- Consultation with an ophthalmologist is also required
- Sometimes additional advice from other specialists is required
Upper and lower eyelid surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon makes an incision either along the growth of the eyelashes or in the upper fold. Thus, after the rehabilitation period, there are no traces of plastic surgery. Sagging eyelids, bags under the eyes, sagging skin will disappear.
On the photo Before and After blepharoplasty, you can see the result of the operation performed by the surgeon of our clinic, Gavrilyuk S.

What are the complications after blepharoplasty?
The professionalism of the surgeon and the patient’s responsible approach cannot always protect the result from possible complications. In the case of individual characteristics, there may be some consequences.
Attention! We draw your attention to the fact that the final results of eyelid surgery can be judged no earlier than after 3 months. Only after this period of time the doctor will determine whether complications have appeared or the normal stage of tissue shrinkage is underway.
To eliminate and minimize undesirable consequences, it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor’s instructions. The result of blepharoplasty largely depends on how responsibly and carefully the patient approaches home care.
- Swelling immediately after surgery is considered an absolute norm and does not require correction.
- Beauty of the eyelids and bruising are the norm during the healing phase.
Possible complications after blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids
In some cases and with a combination of factors, the patient may experience complications after plastic surgery of the eyelids. Most of them are amenable to correction.
- Bleeding
- Hematomas
- Decreased vision
- Non-closing eyes
- Cadaveric eye (excessive removal of subcutaneous fat can lead to sunken eyes)
- Milium
- Cysts
- Asymmetry
- Numbness of the eyelid
Upper eyelid blepharoplasty
Upper eyelid blepharoplasty is a classic version of plastic surgery.
Upper blepharoplasty has long been very popular. The relatively short period of rehabilitation is compensated by the amazing result of the rejuvenation of the upper eyelids. If you need rejuvenation quickly, with predictable results and for a long time, upper eyelid plastic surgery is what you need!
What are the indications for upper blepharoplasty?
- Loose eyelid
- Fatty hernias
- Expression wrinkles around the eyes
- Asymmetry of the lacrimal groove
- Asymmetry of the size and shape of the eyes
- Ptosis
- Injuries
- Congenital pathologies
Why do the eyelids hang over the eyes?
There are several reasons why a drooping eyelid forms and wrinkles appear:
- Genetic predisposition
- Aggressive environment
- Bad habits (smoking, alcohol)
- Active facial expressions
- Decreased production of collagen and elastin
- Weakening of the muscle frame
- Dehydration
As a result, the skin of the upper eyelids ages faster, the protective functions are reduced, folds and wrinkles are formed.
What is the benefit of upper eyelid blepharoplasty?
Upper blepharoplasty aims to remove excess skin and fat. Fat deposits are often redistributed, since complete removal leads to negative cosmetic defects.
Upper eyelid blepharoplasty is used to rejuvenate the eyelids, restore open gaze and change the shape of the eyes. The specialist makes an incision in the crease of the eyelid, thanks to which the tiny scars are invisible to outsiders.

What problems does upper blepharoplasty solve?
When hardware and laser procedures do not bring the desired result, and tissue changes are significant, upper blepharoplasty is indicated.
Upper eyelid surgery can correct, change or completely eliminate many imperfections.
- Raise the corners of the eyes
- Smooth out wrinkles
- Remove ptosis
- Remove excess skin
- Return youth to the look
- Change the shape of the eyes
How to prepare for upper eyelid blepharoplasty?
- Consultation with a specialist.
The doctor will take a history, examine the eyelids and draw up a correction plan according to your wishes. In some cases, you may need to consult an ophthalmologist.
- Laboratory diagnostics.
To exclude any inflammatory reactions, infections and viral diseases, it is necessary to pass a list of laboratory tests. The doctor will give you the exact list after consultation.
- Rejection of bad habits.
On average, 2 weeks before the operation, the patient must give up alcohol and smoking. The reasons for refusal are simple: alcohol thins the blood and can cause bleeding. Smoking has a negative effect on blood pressure.
If you are taking any medications on an ongoing basis, be sure to inform your doctor!
How is upper blepharoplasty performed?
- Drawing of markings.
Before upper blepharoplasty, the specialist applies a special marking with a medical marker on the skin. The markings help to precisely lift the upper eyelid.
- Anesthesia.
Upper blepharoplasty is performed under general anesthesia. We recommend that you entrust plastic surgery only to a trusted surgeon in a reliable clinic. Thus, you will significantly reduce the risks of unsuccessful results of operations.
- Plastic surgery of the upper eyelids.
An experienced surgeon will perform the operation in our modern operating room, equipped with all the necessary equipment. We guarantee high professionalism and experience of our surgeons.
- Recovery period.
The rehabilitation period is individual and depends on many factors. The average time for primary tissue repair is from 14 days.
Duration of surgery: about 40 minutes
Surgeon’s supervision: about 3 hours
Hospital: not needed
Removal of stitches: 4-5 days after surgery
Puffiness: persists for 5-10 days
Recovery: individually, initial healing from 2 weeks. The primary result is assessed 45-50 days after upper blepharoplasty
Upper eyelid blepharoplasty price: individually; depends on the condition of the skin, the presence of hernias or other features
Benefits of upper blepharoplasty
- Removal of the impending eyelid
- Smoothing crow’s feet (wrinkles around the eyes)
- Short operation time
- No hospital required
- Fairly fast recovery
- Scars and scars after blepharoplasty are invisible, as they are located in the crease of the upper eyelid.
Lower eyelid blepharoplasty
Lower eyelid blepharoplasty (transconjunctival) is a shortcut to long-term results. Lower eyelid blepharoplasty easily removes cosmetic defects and returns an open, beautiful look.

What are the indications for lower blepharoplasty?
- Aesthetic defects that worsen the patient’s quality of life
- Hernia of the lower septum of the eye (paraorbital hernia)
- Severe ptosis
- Severe stretching of the skin around the eyes
- Deep creases and wrinkles
- Bags under the eyes
- Defects of the nasolacrimal groove
What is lower eyelid blepharoplasty?
Lower or transconjunctival blepharoplasty is a plastic surgery on the lower eyelid, during which imperfections are corrected or completely removed.
Innovative eyelid plastic surgery helps to get rid of wrinkles, sagging skin, hernias and fat. Completely removes swelling and tightens the eyelids. Also, with the help of lower blepharoplasty, you can correct or completely change the shape of the eyes.
What are the types of lower blepharoplasty?
Classical or transconjunctival blepharoplasty?
There are two options for performing eyelid plastic surgery – classical and transconjunctival. Classic lower blepharoplasty is performed using an incision in the skin of the lower eyelid.

The transconjunctival method is recognized as the safest and most effective method than the classical one, since the incision or puncture is made on the conjunctiva.
What problems does lower blepharoplasty solve?
Lower eyelid surgery is mainly aimed at removing and / or redistributing subcutaneous fat, as well as removing excess skin. Thanks to this, plastic surgery of the lower eyelids can solve many problems:
- Removal of wrinkles under the eyes
- Removal of bags under the eyes
- Correction or removal of hernias under the eyes
- Correction of the nasolacrimal groove
- Replenishment of eye volume after previous operations
- Elimination of cosmetic defects
- Correction of eye asymmetry
Benefits of lower blepharoplasty:
- No incisions. During the operation, we do not use the classical technique. No full incision ensures there are no visible stitches or scars
- The puncture is performed on the conjunctiva (mucous membrane).
- No painful sensations during the operation.
- The rehabilitation period is from 2 weeks.
- Puffiness and bags under the eyes go away immediately.
How to Prepare for Lower Blepharoplasty?
- Preliminary consultation with the surgeon
We care about your health. During a preliminary consultation, the surgeon will collect the necessary anamnesis and prescribe laboratory tests. In some cases, you may need to consult an ophthalmologist or endocrinologist.
The surgeon will provide you with a complete list after consultation, but we will give you a general scheme of preparation for Transconjunctival blepharoplasty.
- Conducting laboratory research
Typically, this includes: ECG, blood and urine tests, and fluorography.
- Stop taking certain medications a month before the operation.
If you regularly take any medication, you must inform your doctor. You may need to correct the intake or completely cancel the drug during the operation and recovery.
- It is not recommended to sunbathe and perform any facial procedures
Surgeons do not advise sunbathing and visiting hardware or laser procedures a month before the operation. Any professional care requires a complete restoration of the skin before the operation.
Talk to your doctor about your plans, if any, in order to find the ideal time for lower eyelid surgery.
- For 1 week before the operation, it is forbidden to consume alcohol and tobacco, as well as to visit baths and saunas. Alcohol and tobacco have the property of thinning the blood. This can cause bleeding during surgery or other complications.
How is lower blepharoplasty performed?
- Marking and marking of the mucous membrane
- Introduction of anesthesia
- Plastic surgery on the lower eyelid or lower blepharoplasty requires a lot of personal experience of the surgeon. We recommend that you trust your face only to trusted clinics and specialists.
- Suturing

Duration of surgery: about 60 minutes
Surgeon’s supervision: about 5 hours
Hospital: not needed
Removal of stitches: 5-7 days after plastic surgery of the lower eyelids
Puffiness: persists for 7-10 days after transconjunctival blepharoplasty
Recovery: individually, from 2 weeks
Lower eyelid blepharoplasty price: individually; depends on the condition of the skin, the presence of hernias or other features
- What will help you recover faster after blepharoplasty?
A few simple rules will help speed up your recovery from blepharoplasty. Observe the drinking regime, but limit salt intake so as not to provoke edema. Sleeping on a high pillow on your back is not very comfortable, but it will minimize accidental eyelid injuries during sleep.
Microcurrents, phonophoresis, therapeutic massage and eye gymnastics will help speed up and improve recovery after lower eyelid surgery. Any care must be agreed with the attending physician.
- Blepharoplasty – Doesn’t It Help?
Some patients find that blepharoplasty does not help. Experienced professionals are of the same opinion. Blepharoplasty is the only reliable way to improve the eyelids with a predictable result.
If blepharoplasty did not help or worsen the initial appearance of the patient, the problem is most likely in the low professionalism of the doctor.
- How long does the result of blepharoplasty last?
The term for maintaining the result after plastic surgery of the upper and lower eyelids is individual and depends on many factors. The average shelf life of the result of blepharoplasty is 10-15 years.
- Eyes do not close after blepharoplasty.
If the eyes do not close after blepharoplasty, then the surgeon removed too much skin flap or made another mistake during the operation. In order to minimize the risks of complications, we do not recommend contacting questionable clinics.
Even in the event of such a complication, an experienced specialist will help you eliminate the consequences of an unsuccessful operation.
- When can I go home after eyelid surgery?
After upper and lower eyelid surgery, the patient can almost always go home this or the next day. Usually, the patient goes home on the day of the operation. In rare cases, the doctor may decide to follow-up the patient.
- How long does rehabilitation after blepharoplasty take?
The recovery period takes place for each patient individually. Normally, the period of tissue repair will take 14 days. During this time, the tissues will heal, the swelling of the eyelids will subside and bruises will go away.
Full recovery, when tissue shrinkage, is individual and takes from 6 months.

- What should not be done after eyelid blepharoplasty?
In the first days after the procedure, it is not recommended to wear lenses, read, watch TV or touch your eyes in any way. Do not rub or scratch your eyelids or apply cosmetics for 10 days. You can not play sports and lift weights during the entire recovery period.
- How much does upper eyelid blepharoplasty cost?
The cost of plastic surgery on the upper eyelid is individual and depends on the characteristics of the patient and the desired result.
- When can I apply makeup after upper blepharoplasty?
If the operation is normal and there are no complications, make-up can be applied after 10 days. Some patients apply makeup 24 hours after surgery, but we do not recommend repeating this.
Please note that this moment must be agreed with the surgeon after the operation, as there may be individual contraindications.
- Upper eyelid surgery – does it hurt?
Absolutely not. During the operation, the quality and dosage of anesthesia is monitored by an anesthesiologist. You will not feel pain or discomfort. Unpleasant sensations of heaviness, tension and pain may appear after surgery.
- How quickly can I return to my normal life after blepharoplasty?
After the procedure, we observe the patient for about 3-5 hours. If you feel normal, you can go home. We recommend that you get help getting home after your blepharoplasty.
Immediately after the procedure, the eyelids may become swollen, watery, and impair vision. For your safety, we recommend that you do not travel home by yourself.
- What complications occur after upper blepharoplasty?
Yes, after any eyelid surgery, there may be complications or consequences of an unsuccessful operation. This is possible only in certain cases: not the experience of the surgeon or his mistake, not following the doctor’s recommendations and individual characteristics.
The most common complications: asymmetry, bleeding, edema, bruising, blindness or loss of vision, a cadaverous or sunken eye, a non-closing eye, and so on.
- Where is the incision made for inferior blepharoplasty?
During blepharoplasty surgery on the lower eyelid, an incision or puncture is made on the lash line or conjunctiva. This avoids visible stitches and scars, and recovery is faster.
- What tests should be taken for blepharoplasty?
The exact list of specialists and laboratory tests that are required before the operation will be given by the surgeon after consultation. Usually the list includes: fluorography, ecg, blood tests (general analysis, biochemistry, blood type and Rh factor, coagulability) and urinalysis.
On an individual basis, you may additionally need a consultation of narrow specialists (ophthalmologist, dermatologist, and so on).
- What is removed with lower blepharoplasty?
During the plastic surgery of the lower eyelids, excess skin and subcutaneous fat are removed. Modern surgeons prefer not to remove subcutaneous fat, but to redistribute it. Redistributing fat avoids complications such as sunken eyes or asymmetry.
- What you need to know about blepharoplasty?
Blepharoplasty has its pros and cons. Despite the fact that eyelid surgery has risks of complications, it is rather rare in practice. An unprecedented rejuvenation result is worth deciding on blepharoplasty.
- What should be done before Blepharoplasty?
Before blepharoplasty, a preliminary consultation with a surgeon is required. If you have any diseases, allergies and implants, your doctor should definitely know about it.
It is the complete and reliable information about you that will help an experienced surgeon avoid possible complications.
Before blepharoplasty, you need to know that the doctor has the right to deny you eyelid surgery if there are any contraindications.

- How long does circular blepharoplasty take?
Circular blepharoplasty lasts on average 1-3 hours and depends on the individual characteristics of the patient.
- Which is better: plastic surgery or non-surgical blepharoplasty?
It is impossible to compare plastic surgery on the eyelids and non-surgical blepharoplasty. The fact is that different types of blepharoplasty solve different problems. For example, if tissue changes are not significant, non-surgical blepharoplasty methods are recommended.
And vice versa. If the patient has pronounced hernias and excess skin, eyelid plastic surgery is recommended, as non-surgical methods will be useless.
An experienced professional will always help you find the perfect solution in a personal consultation.
- How is laser blepharoplasty better than surgical?
Laser blepharoplasty is highly effective, almost like plastic surgery. The results of laser blepharoplasty are fast and durable, and rehabilitation is minimal.
Surgical blepharoplasty has a rather long recovery time and possible risks of complications. But at the same time, eyelid surgery has more possibilities, and the results last from 10 years.
- What is Singapuri?
Singapuri is a blepharoplasty plastic surgery that removes the epicanthus (a fold of skin at the upper corner of the eye). The Europeanization of the century is called differently. A very popular plastic for the upper eyelid in Asian countries.
- What is the difference between blepharoplasty and singapuri?
Blepharoplasty is the generic name for upper or lower eyelid correction techniques. Singapuri or Europeanization of the eyelids is a type of blepharoplasty, during which the skin fold of the upper eyelid, the epicanthus, is removed.
- How to wash your face and wash your hair after blepharoplasty?
After the surgeon examines the eyelids after plastic surgery, he will give permission to wash your face and wash your head. Up to this point, it is only recommended to dab the skin with a damp cotton pad.
You can wash your face only with delicate products and moderately cool water. You can wash your hair so as not to tilt your head completely down. Ideally, you should wash your hair back a little so that the water and shampoo do not affect the seams once again.
- How is the healing process after blepharoplasty by day?
Day of Operation. We protect our eyes from bright light, we put on sunglasses on the street. There is swelling and redness. With the permission of the surgeon, we make cold compresses.
3-5 days. After the permission of the surgeon, we resume hygiene procedures: we take a shower and wash our head. We wash so that shower gel, shampoo or soap does not get on our face. Do not tilt your head down.
Day 5. Removal of stitches and routine inspection. Swelling, bruising, and swelling may persist.
7-10 days. We put on contact lenses with the permission of the doctor. Bath, sauna, solarium are still prohibited. Swelling and bruising disappear.
10-14 days. With the permission of the doctor, we begin to apply makeup. Removing makeup and washing your face is still delicate. Sauna, steam bath, solarium and sports are not recommended. The stitches are healed and smoothed.
- When can I go to a beautician or have hardware and laser facial treatments?
In some cases, we recommend app arat or laser facial treatments as an adjunct during the recovery period. Such procedures can be started no earlier than 1 month after the operation.
What are the contraindications for blepharoplasty?
- Inflammatory processes
- Infections
- Pregnancy
- Lactation
- Eye pressure disorders
- Diseases of the thyroid gland
- Myopathy
- blepharitis
- Menstruation
- Violation of blood clotting
- Anemia
- Oncology
- Diabetes
- Blood diseases
- High pressure
- Ophthalmic diseases
- Viral and infectious diseases
Coollaser Clinic in the center of Kyiv on Pechersk every day provides you with a decent level of service, high professionalism of doctors, absolute safety and reliable results.
Eyelid blepharoplasty is an effective eye rejuvenation that is available to you today!
Specialists in the procedure

Viktor Kemkin
Plastic, abdominal and oncosurgeon
Photo materials

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