Eyelid lifting

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Eyelid lifting: plasma and laser in Kyiv

An eyelid lifting or eyelid rejuvenation is a non-invasive skin tightening procedure. Over the past 5 years, non-surgical skin tightening has become an increasingly popular procedure.

Positive feedback from hundreds of patients who have already undergone plasma and laser lifting characterize non-surgical eyelid rejuvenation as the best alternative to surgery.

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Plasma eyelid lift at Coolaser Clinic

The specialists of Coollaser Clinic in Kyiv will ensure the safety and high quality of any procedure.


  • Gravitational ptosis
  • Bags under the eyes
  • Keratosis
  • Scars
  • Pigmentation
  • Injuries

Plasma eyelid rejuvenation

Plasma eyelid lift or fibroblasting is a combination of laser eyelid rejuvenation and plasma exposure. Plasma blepharoplasty is characterized by tremendous efficiency comparable to plastic surgery.

Plasma tightening is most effective to eliminate the first signs of aging. Please note that the final stages of ptosis and deep wrinkles cannot be corrected with plasma eyelid rejuvenation.

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Plasma eyelid rejuvenation at Coolaser Clinic

Laser eyelid rejuvenation

Laser eyelid rejuvenation or fractional eyelid lift is a unique correction of skin imperfections without surgery. Everyone wants to look young, but not everyone decides to go under the surgeon’s knife.

An eye lift is the perfect solution. Non-surgical correction of all layers of the dermis will make the look young and expressive again.

Interesting fact. The laser facelift is very popular with Hollywood actresses such as Nicole Kidman, Miley Cyrus, Jennifer Lawrence and others.

Operating principle

The essence of an eye lift lies in the exceptional properties of the CO2 laser to activate regenerative processes in tissues.

The process of vaporization or partial vaporization by laser allows you to gently get rid of excess skin. Delicate and precise skin dissection is immediately cauterized by the laser itself, eliminating bleeding.

Безоперационная блеферопластика
Laser eyelid rejuvenation at Coolaser Clinic

The tissues regenerate quickly, blood circulation improves, the skin rejuvenates and tightens.

The essence of the procedure

Rejuvenation, lifting and correction of the eyelids takes place in two stages.

  1. Fibroblasting performed on the Plasmajet apparatus precisely tightens the upper and middle layers of thin skin in the eyes, neck and décolleté area. Plasmajet fibroblasting is an ideal therapy for correcting and tightening the skin of the lower and upper eyelids.
  2. Laser resurfacing of the eyelids, as the final stage after Fibroblasting. The laser heats up the cells and vaporizes them. This activates the synthesis of collagen and elastin. The skin is even more tightened, it becomes smoother and more elastic, everything is removed, even the smallest marks after the Plasmajet Fibroblasting procedure.

If you still have doubts about the effectiveness of laser and plasma lifting, just look at the reviews of the eye lift. Photo Before and After. They speak for themselves – the look becomes young and open again.


We care about your health. We recommend consulting a specialist to identify possible contraindications.

  • Oncology
  • Eye diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Diseases of the heart
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland
  • Vascular diseases

Coollaser Clinic in the center of Kyiv on Pechersk guarantees high quality and 100% result from each procedure.

Eyelid lift – allow yourself a youthful look today!

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Specialists in the procedure

Доктор Мельниченко Любовь Сергеевна

Melnichenko Lyubov Sergeevna

Cosmetologist, Beauty expert

Shilina Yulia Mikhailovna



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