Remove flews

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Remove flews and correct the oval of the face

Removing flews is the main task when correcting the oval of the face. Hollow and flabby cheeks can make anyone look older as their face sags. Over time, according to the laws of gravity, the fatty packets of the face descend. Saggy skin on the cheeks is sometimes called the offensive word “Bulldog cheeks.”

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Face contour correction Kyiv

The purpose of the face contour correction

  • remove the flews or reduce their sagging
  • reduce the “sagging” of the oval of the face
  • form a “triangle of youth”

It is a known fact that sagging second chins are usually accompanied by sagging cheeks and loss of the shape of the face contour. It makes us look older and less attractive.

There are several radically different ways to get rid of saggy cheeks and correct facial contours.

  • Complex Tribella procedure
  • SMAS lifting Ulthera
  • Lipolytic injections
  • Filler injections “Triangle of Youth”
  • Surgical facelift
Result after the SMAS lifting ULTHERA procedure

Complex procedure Tribella, SMAS lifting Ulthera, surgical facelift and lipolytic injections.

What to choose?

On this page we will consider the complex application of the Tribella procedure, SMAS lifting, injections of lipolytic drugs and fillers. The combination and unification of procedures in a complex is used to correct sagging cheeks, in order to maximize the restoration of the face oval.

Each case of face contour correction in our clinic is considered individually. The decision on the choice of the method of treatment is made by the doctor after consultation with you, depending on how quickly and for how long you want to get the final result.

In our clinic in Kyiv on Pechersk, we most often recommend the use of the Tribella and SMAS lifting Ulthera procedures for the removal of flews.

In some mild cases, it is possible to supplement with injections of lipolytics and fillers.

Смас лифтинг
SMAS facelift at Coollaser Clinic

Question: At what age can I start using the Tribella procedure, SMAS lifting and lipolytics?

Answer: If you start treatment at an earlier age, there is a good chance that there is a good chance of minimizing and delaying the likelihood of unwanted wrinkles and sagging of the skin on the face, neck and chin.


Question: Is the program of face contour correction by carrying out the Tribella procedure, SMAS lifting and lipolytics applicable for men?

Answer: Of course, yes. Not only women and girls, but also men should use the face reshaping program and look younger.

Is it possible to supplement the SMAS lifting procedure with the Youth Triangle procedure?

Yes, of course! For the correction of facial contours, a procedure with the use of fillers based on hyaluronic acid to create the so-called “triangle of youth” has recently gained particular popularity. They try to bring this triangle closer to the angle of 110 -115 degrees.

Even for young women with no sagging skin problems, it has become fashionable and desirable to give the face straight, sculpted shapes that emphasize the angle of the lower jaw. The fashion for such a classic form is dictated by the appearance on the screens of cinemas of beauties in whom the “triangle of youth” is clearly emphasized. This shape of the lower jaw is typical for Angelina Jolie, Megan Fox and many other Hollywood stars. For the procedure, fillers based on high-density hyaluronic acid are most often used, which are well combined with SMAS lifting and lipolytics.

Contact the Coolaser Clinic in the very center of Kyiv on Pechersk. Our doctors will help you to become 5 – 7 years younger by correcting the oval of your face during the Remove flews procedure.

Prices for the procedure REMOVE WINGS
Lipolytic Triada (PBSerum) 1 zone 3500 UAH
SMAS lifting of the lower third / flew, double chin 37 500 грн 7500 UAH
Tribella procedure 8000 UAH
Juvederm ultra 3, voluma 1 ml (Triangle of youth) 6450 UAH
Surgical lift Facelift 99000 UAH
View the price list

Specialists in the procedure

Зиненко Олеся Васильевна Фото

Olesya Zinenko


Владишевская Алена Владимировна

Alyona Vladishevskaya

Specialist in laser, hardware and injection cosmetology.

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