Non-surgical hand liposuction in Kyiv
Does non-surgical hand liposuction melt fat and tighten skin? Almost yes. How to remove fat from your hands and avoid sagging skin on your hands? This issue is becoming more and more public. Popular magazines and many TV shows keep repeating that now there are ways to prolong youth and stop aging.
What are the advantages of non-surgical hand liposuction compared to surgical liposuction?
Laser liposuction is ahead of traditional surgical liposuction in popularity and demand. When comparing laser and surgical liposuction, the main problem with surgical liposuction is that the skin at the surgery sites sags if your skin cannot tighten and take a new shape after the fat has been removed. Sagging flaps of sagging skin on your hands can spoil the experience of surgical liposuction.
This is where the new technology of laser lipolysis or non-surgical hand liposuction comes to the rescue, perfectly replacing traditional liposuction. Researchers believe this advanced technique may be the key to optimal body reshaping and the ability to not only remove fat from the hands, but also tighten the sagging skin on the hands.
Laser liposuction (lipolysis) with BTL Vanquish ME, Venus Versa and Ulthera devices

Non-surgical hand liposuction or laser lipolysis BTL Vanquish is a minimally invasive procedure that tightens the skin on the hands and removes fat from the hands, which uses the energy of machines at different wavelengths to correct fat deposits and tighten the skin. This is a completely different process than surgical liposuction, which involves removing fat from the body using vacuum suction. An additional benefit of laser liposuction or lipolysis is that it stimulates the production of collagen protein, making the skin tighter.
Clinical results were obtained from laser lipolysis and liposuction procedures on devices, Venus Versa, BTL Vanquish ME and Altera SMAS lifting, presented in our clinic.
Are there any complications with laser lipolysis?
The researchers found that patients in general lost significant mass of fat in different parts of the body and observed an increase in skin turgor. No patient has experienced any of the complications that liposuction surgeries are so susceptible to.
Many people no longer want to try surgical hand liposuction because they know that the skin often sags after fat removal.
Our clinic is located in the heart of Kyiv on Pechersk. We are waiting for you for the procedure Non-surgical hand liposuction.
Specialists in the procedure

Alyona Vladishevskaya
Specialist in laser, hardware and injection cosmetology.

Olesya Zinenko
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