Laser removal of facial scars in Kiev
Laser facial scar removal is a popular service these days. It is possible to remove a facial scar in 3 treatments. But hurry up – the older the scars, the harder it is to treat.


Scars are the source of many complexes and loss of self-confidence. Until now, there is no home treatment that can permanently remove scars better than laser.
Stages of scar formation
- when a wound starts bleeding.
- drying out the top layer.
- scab formation,
- at the bottom, cells known as fibroblasts infiltrate the blood clot from surrounding tissue, alter it, and replace it with scar tissue. fibers in scar tissue have a pronounced alignment in one direction, whereas protein fibers in normal tissue are arranged haphazardly (chaotically)
The figure below schematically depicts a healing wound. Shown are two layers of skin, epidermis and dermis, with a blood clot between them. Shown are fibroblast cells migrating into the blood clot.

Laser scar removal is available at Coolaser Clinic.
- unevenness in the color and texture of the scar,
- pigmentary disorders,
- creases, folds,
- Tightening or sagging of the skin.
The laser scar removal method is recognized as the most effective method for treating all types of scars, scars and stretch marks.
What are scars.
Scar, translated from the German language means scar. It is a dense formation resulting from tissue repair after an injury. Predominantly consists of collagen and connective tissue cells. It differs in color and structure.
What makes a scar different from a scar
In fact, these are two names for the same appearance on the skin. The difference arises in colloquial speech, where a scar refers to an injury received, and a scar refers to a trace from a surgical operation.
Scars caused by accidents or surgeries are unpredictable. They do not heal well, leaving noticeable marks. Removing a scar after an accident is easiest once the tissue has healed. The older the scar, the more difficult it is to treat.

What factors influence wound scarring?
- Size
- Depth
- Skin thickness and condition
- Epidermis color
- Method of healing (surgical suture or drug therapy).
Important In complicated cases, the scar cannot be completely removed, but the use of laser scar removal greatly improves the appearance and condition of the scar.
The main types of facial scars by method of acquisition are:
- Traumatic (animal bites and mechanical injuries)
- Thermal (burns)
The photo below shows the Before and After result of laser chickenpox scar removal.

Before starting treatment, it is crucial to determine the condition and type of scar pathology. The method of treatment depends on this. It is best to entrust this stage of skin restoration after damage to a specialist.
Initial online consultation you can get free of charge, as well as send a photo of your scar to us on WhatsAp, Viber or Telegram for an approximate determination of the price.
What kind of scars are there?
- Atrophic
The simplest example of atrophic scarring is skin stretch marks or striae. They also include acne marks. They are located below the top layer of the epidermis.
- Normotrophic
Simple, superficial scars located on the upper layer of the epidermis. They are perfectly amenable to correction with laser facial resurfacing. Sufficiently deep peeling is able to remove scars after the first procedure.
- Hypertrophic and Celloid.
Hypertrophic and Kelloid scars are formed as a result of severe damage to the epidermis. Kelloids do not heal well and tend to progress over time. A bulging, obvious scar over time can cause the owner a lot of discomfort. In particularly complex cases, large kelloid scars are removed in two stages. The first stage is cryodestruction – removal of keloid scar with nitrogen, and the second stage – resurfacing with laser CO2 residual scars after cryodestruction.

To put it very simplistically, the challenge in dealing with scars is the difficult task of shrinking the tissue and rebuilding the epidermis – the top part of the skin (see picture above).
How to remove facial scars
The essence of the procedure is the precise direction of the light beam, which penetrates deep into the skin, subcutaneous tissue and dermis, causing micro-damage.
The result is a photothermal reaction. The water in the skin tissue is heated at specific points and vaporizes. This promotes the natural reconstruction of the skin and stimulates the formation of collagen, the substance responsible for the flawless condition of the tissue.
Laser removal of scars on the face: photo Before and After
In the photos below you can see the result after two treatments of post-acne scar resurfacing with the Coolaser CO2 laser. The laser treatment was combined with microneedling and plasmolifting. The break time between sessions was 4 weeks.

How to remove scars on the face in Kiev
Reduced collagen production causes skin aging, sagging and wrinkles. And fractional laser, destroying the altered tissue, at the same time stimulates it to self-renewal.
How doeslaser scar removal take place
The figure below shows the principle of fractional fractional laser scar treatment.

- The physician, using a computer built into the laser, precisely selects and modifies the laser beam to perforate pinpoint (fractionally) fine micron channels in the dermis and epidermis.
- Through a gentle and precise action, the old, damaged epidermis is very gently pinpointed, keeping all surrounding tissue intact. The body considers this an injury and the regeneration and repair process is automatically triggered.
- Preliminary consultation is mandatory before each procedure, so that the cosmetologist will determine whether laser removal of facial scars in Kiev will help in solving the problem of this patient.
- If there are no contraindications, makes an individual treatment schedule – the required number of procedures and their frequency. If necessary, prescribes a combination of laser correction with other procedures, such as Plasmolifting or IPL Phototherapy.
How to remove a scar in Kiev
We perform laser scar removal using some of the most powerful CO2 carbon dioxide lasers of the 21st century with wavelength 10.6 µms – Coolaser and Adonyss.

Adonis CO2 laser is a fast, powerful, fractional laser designed for the treatment of complex scar pathologies. The Coolaser CO2 laser is ultra-fine, sensitive and precise, designed for delicate resurfacing of the face and delicate tissues.
Using the thinnest laser beam, micron-sized fragments of skin are spot vaporized to a predetermined depth without heating or damaging the surrounding tissue.
How do I prepare for a facial laser skin treatment?”
Coolaser Clinic has such equipment that allows laser removal in summer. The only condition for the procedure in summer is the use of sunscreen and avoidance of tanning under direct sunlight.
For two weeks prior to the procedure, it is advisable to avoid:
- heavy physical exertion,
- massage,
- deep cosmetic peels,
- hot baths,
- exposure to the sun
What course of laser correction of facial scars is necessary?
The duration of the course can only be determined by a specialist during a face-to-face consultation. Usually the number of sessions of laser scar removal depends on individual characteristics.
Depending on the complexity, size, and type of scar, 2 to 6 or more treatments are prescribed.
After the session, the skin shows redness and in rare cases a slight swelling, which goes away in 3-5 days.
Redness will gradually diminish and become slightly darker. The skin will become rough at the treatment sites. It is recommended not to wash off or scratch the roughness for 3 days.
In some cases, treatment is done in combination with injectable or surgical techniques.
If desired, additional laser correction is performed for a better result. Expected results appear 3-6 weeks after the last session of laser scar removal. During this period, the skin fully recovers
Laser removal of post-burn scars.
One of the most difficult to correct and laser removal are post-burn scars. If the scar is not large, it is possible to improve their color by laser and bring them closer to the color of healthy skin of the surrounding tissues. Large post-burn scars are hypertrophic.

In the case of laser treatment, the post-burn hypertrophic scar is leveled and becomes less noticeable – normotrophic.
In particularly difficult cases, surgical removal of burn scars by skin grafting is used.

How to fix the result of laser scar treatment?
Recovery of the skin after treatment improves the effect of the laser facial scar removal procedure.
Immediately after fractional facial resurfacing, slight redness and swelling of the skin is allowed for 40 to 90 minutes.
The patient is advised to use appropriate pharmacy products, using them in consultation with the attending physician.
Mild pain and burning may occur during the first day. These can be relieved with oral painkillers.
On the second day after the treatment, it is allowed to wash the face with a mild cleanser using your fingertips. Then, gently pat dry with a clean towel or disposable tissue. Avoiding rubbing, apply a new layer of the recommended preparation.
For the period specified by your doctor, use soothing creams and avoid direct exposure to sunlight. If sun exposure is necessary, be sure to apply sunscreen with a high SPF before each time you leave the house.
Full tissue regeneration occurs by 6 months after the procedure.

Benefits of laser facial scar removal.
- The scar resurfacing procedure is virtually painless, thanks to the ultra-fine beam, and also very fast – 5-10 minutes, thanks to the large and powerful scanner.
- To ensure patient comfort and anesthesia, we use cooled air with a temperature of 2 degrees Celsius, as well as a device with filters to remove harmful fumes during the procedure.
- The minimum rehabilitation period is 3-7 days.
Contraindications for laser facial scar resurfacing with laser
Cosmetic laser scar removal procedure has contraindications. For an individualized solution, it is necessary to visit a specialist for consultation and examination.
- Pregnancy and lactation
- Oncology
- Dermatitis
- Viral and infectious diseases
- Taking antibiotics and anticoagulants
- Fresh tan
- A period of 4 weeks after filling wrinkles with hyaluronic acid,
- Tendency to develop kelloid scars.
Evaluate the benefits, quality and effectiveness of procedures in Coolaser Clinic in the center of Kiev on Pechersk! How much it costs to remove on the face you can see on the table below.
List of literature used:
- Jonathan A. Sherratt, Heriot-Watt University
- Gauglitz, Gerd; Korting, Hans “Hypertrophic Scars and Keloids”
Laser scar removal – the top procedure from the USA, available in Kiev!
Удаление шрамов на лице лазером CO2 (1 квадратный сантиметр) | 300 грн |
Specialists in the procedure

Olesya Zinenko

Alyona Vladishevskaya
Specialist in laser, hardware and injection cosmetology.
Photo materials

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