Laser removal of postacne

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Laser removal of postacne scars in Kiev

Laser removal of post-acne scars takes some time and a lot of effort to produce noticeable results.

Лазерное удаление шрамов постакне Laser removal of postacne

It should be immediately warned that to date there is no one universal way to combat postacne scars and this treatment requires a comprehensive approach. However, we will focus on the most effective and cardinal in our opinion treatment – laser.

Laser treatment of post-acne scars is recommended to be combined with other treatments. The combination of treatments may vary depending on the type and type of scars/scars.

Types of post-acne scars

Postacne scars, as a consequence of acne, can be divided into several types

Here are the main ones:

  • Red spots
  • Scars
  • The scars are deep
  • Enlarged pores
  • Depigmentation

Causes of acne scars

Postacne is a consequence and appears for the following reasons:

  • Inappropriate acne treatment therapies
  • Self-opening acne at home
  • Failure of the patient to seek treatment in a timely manner
  • Severe inflammatory form of acne

Acne scars depend on the depth of the lesion. The deeper the lesion, the greater the change in skin texture. Post-acne scars can result from skin damage during the healing of active acne, depending on whether there is a net loss or gain of collagen (atrophic and hypertrophic scars). Eighty to ninety percent of people with acne scars have scars associated with collagen loss (atrophic scars).

Шлифовка шрамов после угревой болезни фото Laser removal of postacne
Result after treatment of post-acne marks

There is a classification system for scars proposed by Goodman and Baron. According to this classification, there are four different classes of acne scars, differing in size, shape, location and form. But most commonly, post-acne scars are classified into two types.

Types of scars after acne

Post-acne scar treatment identifies two main types of scar/post-acne scar:

  • Atrophic scars are more common than keloids and hypertrophic scars
  • Hypertrophic scars are associated with excessive collagen deposition and decreased collagenase activity. Hypertrophic scars are usually pink, raised and hard, with thick hyalonized bundles of collagen
удаление шрамов после угревой болезни

The clinic uses one of the most effective forms of treatment of acne marks – laser. Speaking of laser treatment of postacne scars in Kiev we mean a complex of hardware impact, such as dermabrasion laser CO2, nano-fractional Venus Viva resurfacing, combined with IPL.

Removal of post-acne scars with CO2 laser

Laser resurfacing of post-acne scars is the most successful and proven treatment method. Fractional skin treatment on problem areas is performed with a CO2 laser using Coolaser technology.

This procedure in our clinic is offered in combination with Dermapen microneedling or Viva Venus Versa micro needling RF therapy. More often than not, not just one treatment but 2 – 3 may be needed to get the desired results . This depends on the extent and age of the scars, as well as the patient’s desire to get a result that will meet their expectations.

The photos below show the result of laser removal of post-acne and chickenpox scars. The rehabilitation period after using the CO2 laser was 7 days. The stages are clearly visible in the photo. A grateful patient left a review of laser resurfacing.

Лазерная шлифрвка по дням Coolaser clinic

Venus Viva laser removal of post-acne scars

Venus Viva – redefining the concept of fractional RF procedures:

  • Nanofractional RF 150X20 micron contact imprint for rapid wound healing
  • The Smart scan feature gives you the ability to use different imprint patterns for adjustable treatment zones and lower energy density, which is responsible for the low risk of post-inflammatory skin conditions

A unique fractional RF system that is a model of adjustable ablation/coagulation functionality – for consistent predictable results and fully adjustable treatment procedures

In the Before and After photos of post-acne scar treatment you can see the result after one session. The treatment continues. On the left are the BEFORE photos and on the right are the AFTER photos

До и после удаления шрамов постакне
The result of skin resurfacing after acne

A very effective treatment of postacne scars is also recognized as a combined use of techniques such as dermabrasion with laser CO2, PRP therapy (plasma lifting) and micronidling. Also successfully treated are body scars and stretch marks.

As a rule, in our clinic this combination is accompanied by a specific protocol of additional procedures and injectable fermentotherapy. We use these methods based on the experience of our colleagues from the USA.

Get clear facial skin at Coolaser Clinic, undergo a course of treatments for laser removal of post-acne scars.

Text author: Dermatologist Shilina Yulia

Acne scar removal cost
Resurfacing CO2 scars (1 square centimeter) 700 UAH
View the price list

Specialists in the procedure

Зиненко Олеся Васильевна Фото

Olesya Zinenko


Владишевская Алена Владимировна

Alyona Vladishevskaya

Specialist in laser, hardware and injection cosmetology.

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